{{ language == 'en' ? 'Hello' : '欢迎您' }},{{ userneme }} ! {{ language == 'en' ? 'User Center' : '个人中心' }}

{{ language == 'en' ? 'Application for admission' : '入学申请'}}

/ Study Program
{{ language == 'en' ? 'Your Current Location:Home page - Personal Center - Online Application' : '您当前所在的位置:网站首页 - 个人中心 - 在线申请'}}
{{ language == 'en' ? 'Application for admission' : '入学申请'}}
网申操作指引 Instructins of the online application system
1.在受教育情况一栏中,请列出申请人已经完成或即将完成的各级教育,包括中学、职业教育及高等教育各项。请随材料附上经公证的最高级教育的学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书的原件复印件和英文或中文翻译件。 In the column of Education Background, please provide the following information for all completed secondary, vocational, technical, undergraduate or post graduate training and qualifications. Any incomplete courses should also be listed. One notarized copy of your official transcripts certificates and notarized copies of English or Chinese translations of your highest education must be included with each application form.

2. 在工作经历一栏中,请列出申请人曾经从事和现在从事的工作。如果你曾在中国学习或工作过,请告知你在华的学习院校或工作单位。 In the column of Employment Record, please clarify your work experiences and you current post. If you had ever been to China for study or work, please specify your institution, employer and time in China。

3. 申请人的语言能力对申请人来华后的课程安排及授课语言非常重要。请随材料附上有关证明材料。 Please state your knowledge of languages, especially Chinese and English. If you have passed a Chinese language test, please include a copy of the results in your application materials. This is very important because it will decide your teaching language in China.

4.提交申请前请仔细检查各项信息及补充材料。系统中提交的申请材料将作为申请院校确认录取的唯一依据。 Check each part of your Application carefully before submitting it. Click Submit to submit your Application. The submitted documents will be the only reference for us to confirm the admission.

5.申请被受理前,申请人可通过点击“撤回并修改申请”对已提交的申请进行修改。申请被撤回修改后,申请人须再次提交,否则该申请将无法被受理。申请被受理后,申请人将无法撤回该申请。 You can make changes to your application by clicking Withdraw and Edit the Application on the top of the page. Make sure to submit it again by clicking Submit after finishing all the changes. Otherwise, the retrieved application will become invalid and your new application will not be received either. Once the application is under checking, the applicant will not be able to withdraw it.
申请人保证 Hereby Affirm that
1. 申请表中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; All information and materials given in this form are true and correct.

2. 在华期间,遵守中国的法律、法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的、与本人来华学习身份不符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities in China which are deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student.

3. 在学期间,遵守学校的校纪、校规,全力投入学习和研究工作,尊重学校的教学安排; During my study in China, I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the host university, and concentrate on my studies and researches, and follow the teaching programs arranged by the university.

4. 遵守学校的规定交纳各项费用。 I will pay the fees as outlined in the regulation.

5. 如违反上述保证而受到中国法律、法规或校纪、校规的惩处,我愿意接受相应的处罚。 If I am judged by the Chinese laws and decrees and the rules and regulations of the university as having violated any of the above, I will not lodge any appeal against the decision of concerned penalties.
申请项目 Study Plan at SMU
申请类别 Category
*此项必填 Mandatory
专业 Major
*此项必填 Mandatory
研究方向 Research Field
*此项必填 Mandatory
学期 Semester
基本信息 Basic Personal Information
名(护照) Given Name(Passport)
*此项必填 Mandatory
姓(护照) Family Name(Passport)
*此项必填 Mandatory
中文姓名 Chinese Name
出生日期 Date of Birth
*此项必填 Mandatory
性别 Gender
婚姻状况 Marital Status
出生地点(国家) Country of Birth
*此项必填 Mandatory
出生地点(城市) City of Birth
*此项必填 Mandatory
宗教信仰 Religion
*此项必填 Mandatory
国籍 Nationality
*此项必填 Mandatory
护照号码 Passport No.
*此项必填 Mandatory
护照有效期 Passport Validity
*此项必填 Mandatory
永久通讯地址及电话/Permanent Mailing Address & Tel
电子邮箱 E-Mail
*此项必填 Mandatory
传真 Fax
电话 Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
地址 Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
目前联系地址及电话/Current Mailing Address & Tel
电子邮箱 E-Mail
*此项必填 Mandatory
传真 Fax
电话 Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
地址 Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
受教育情况及工作经历 Education Background and Employment Record
最高学历 Highest Academic Qualification
*此项必填 Mandatory
获得时间 The Date Obtained or to Obtain
*此项必填 Mandatory
当前学习或任职单位 Current Institution Enrolled/Employed
*此项必填 Mandatory
职业 Occupation
*此项必填 Mandatory
受教育情况(从高中起)Education Background (High School and Above)
在校时间 Years Attended
*此项必填 Mandatory
学校 Institutions
*此项必填 Mandatory
主修专业 Fields of Study
学位 Certificates
工作经历 Employment Record
起止时间 Time(From/To)
工作单位 Employer
从事工作 Work Engaged
职务 Position
语言能力及学习计划 Teaching Language and Study Plan at SMU
学习时间 Duration of The Major Study(From/To)
*此项必填 Mandatory
授课语言 The Date Obtained or to Obtain
非报读预科项目的学生,您是否申请预科学习中文一年 Do you want to take a one year program of elementary Chinese study except those directly applying for the foundation program
*此项必填 Mandatory
汉语能力 Chinese Proficiency
*此项必填 Mandatory
新HSK口试 New HSK Oral Level
*此项必填 Mandatory
新HSK笔试 New HSK Writing Level
*此项必填 Mandatory
英语能力 English Proficiency
*此项必填 Mandatory
经费来源及联系人 Financial Support and Contacted Person
经费来源 Financial Support
是否自费 Self Support
*此项必填 Mandatory
Guarantor 's Name
*此项必填 Mandatory
*此项必填 Mandatory
Guarantor 's E-Mail
*此项必填 Mandatory
Guarantor 's Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
担保人地址 Guarantor 's Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
是否拟申请奖学金 Scholarship
*此项必填 Mandatory
推荐人信息 Recommender
Anyone Recommend Your Application
*此项必填 Mandatory
Recommender 's Nationality
*此项必填 Mandatory
Recommender 's Organization
*此项必填 Mandatory
推荐人姓名 Recommender 's Name
*此项必填 Mandatory
推荐人邮箱 Recommender 's E-Mail
*此项必填 Mandatory
推荐人电话 Recommender 's Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
推荐人地址 Recommender 's Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
在华紧急事务联系人或机构 Contacted Person/Organization in Case of Emergency
联系人姓名 Name of Contacted Person
*此项必填 Mandatory
联系单位名称 Name of Contacted Organization
*此项必填 Mandatory
电子邮箱 E-Mail
*此项必填 Mandatory
电话 Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
地址 Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
录取通知书邮寄地址 Address for Mailing the Admission Notice
收件人姓名 Receiver 's Name
*此项必填 Mandatory
收件人手机 Receiver 's Mobile
*此项必填 Mandatory
邮政编码 Postcode
*此项必填 Mandatory
地址 Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
本国家庭联系信息 Home Contact Information
地址 Address
*此项必填 Mandatory
邮政编码 Postcode
*此项必填 Mandatory
家庭电话 Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
家庭成员 Family Member
关系 Relationship
*此项必填 Mandatory
姓名 Name
*此项必填 Mandatory
电话 Telephone
*此项必填 Mandatory
职业 Occupation
*此项必填 Mandatory
补充材料 Supporting Documents
类型 Document List
是否必传 Mandatory or not
文件 File Name
操作 Operation

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